"Without freedom of choice, there is no creativity. Without creativity, there is no life."
—Captain James T. Kirk
Visual artist, writer and a musician.
Jonas worked as a cartoonist for Playboy (Czech Edition), creating comics like The Empress, Kitty Style and co-creating Pussycat Assassins.
Recently he's been creating children's books. He's the author of Love Seal (2022). And the illustrator of Verše potrhlé [Wacky Rhymin'] (2021).
Jonas also was the head writer and artist on Kapsy (2018) – the first comic book adaptation of Karel Čapek's Tales From Two Pockets. And worked as the head artist on Karel IV. – Emperor of the World (2016) – a graphic novel about the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV. He's the creator of KIWI (2009, 2017) – a comic strip about flightless birds.
Since 2014 he’s been designing racing apparel for his sister – Ester Ledecka – the first athlete to win a gold medal in two different sports in a single Winter Olympic Games.
His work also includes commissions for Red Bull, Bogner, Level Gloves, Crew & DC Comics, Mattel, Coca-Cola, Schweppes, Audi, Elle magazine [CZ], Vogue magazine [CZ], SG Snowboards, Future Gate Festival and more.
He is playing and creating music with his band The Cold Licks.
Výtvarník, hudebník
Autor knihy Tulíňkovi (2022), a knih komiksových stripů KIWI (2009, 2017). Spoluator knihy Verše potrhlé (2021).
Scénárista a ilustrátor komiksu Kapsy (2018) – první komiksové adaptace Povídek z jedné a druhé kapsy Karla Čapka. Ilustrátor komiksu Karel IV. Pán světa (2016).
V letech 2018–2020 vytvářel komiksy pro magazín Playboy.
Od roku 2014 navrhuje kombinézy a další závodní výbavu pro svoji sestru – Ester Ledeckou (trojnásobnou olympijskou vítězku).
Jeho práce zahrnuje i zakázky pro Red Bull, Bogner, Level Gloves, Coca-Cola, Vogue, Elle, Crew & DC Comics, Mattel, Audi, SG Snowboards, Future Gate Festival a další.
Koncertuje se svojí kapelou The Cold Licks.