Writer/Artist: Jonas Ledecky | Colorist: Martina Kutalkova
Writer/Artist: Jonas Ledecky | Colorist: Martina Kutalkova
"Remember that crazy night in Acapulco?" | "I've never been to Acapulco with you..." | "I'm starting to doubt that I'm your first."
"Remember that crazy night in Acapulco?" | "I've never been to Acapulco with you..." | "I'm starting to doubt that I'm your first."
"You know what the lowest form of life is?" "Dog owners?" | "Men who text at the urinal." | "...I always thought they're taking a sefie..."
"You know what the lowest form of life is?" "Dog owners?" | "Men who text at the urinal." | "...I always thought they're taking a sefie..."
"Why do they say that when you're jerking off with your left hand it feels like from a stranger?" | "I always feel like I'm jerking off a stranger." | "I never know how to react to these thoughts of yours."
"Why do they say that when you're jerking off with your left hand it feels like from a stranger?" | "I always feel like I'm jerking off a stranger." | "I never know how to react to these thoughts of yours."
"Heh..." | "Who's got two thumbs and doesn't hold it when peeing?"
"Heh..." | "Who's got two thumbs and doesn't hold it when peeing?"
"Hey Clara! I've been meaning to ask: Don't ya wanna go out with me?" | "What do you mean by 'put a period behind that sentence'?" | "Don't ya wanna go out with me."
"Hey Clara! I've been meaning to ask: Don't ya wanna go out with me?" | "What do you mean by 'put a period behind that sentence'?" | "Don't ya wanna go out with me."
"Holy cow!" | "Dude, you should find yourself a girl already..."
"Holy cow!" | "Dude, you should find yourself a girl already..."
"Hey. You wanna dance with me?" | "Well... And here I was thinking that black cats mean bad luck!" | "Rasist bastard!"
"Hey. You wanna dance with me?" | "Well... And here I was thinking that black cats mean bad luck!" | "Rasist bastard!"
"Do you think that I've got one breast bigger than the other?" | "No but one is definitely smaller." | "Superficial cunt."
"Do you think that I've got one breast bigger than the other?" | "No but one is definitely smaller." | "Superficial cunt."
"You know what's the only think your mom can't give you?" | "Her virginity." | "You always know how to start a conversation."
"You know what's the only think your mom can't give you?" | "Her virginity." | "You always know how to start a conversation."
"So? Are you bringing your girlfriend over this Christmas?" | "Dad, I've been alone for the last two years..." | "...New Year's then?"
"So? Are you bringing your girlfriend over this Christmas?" | "Dad, I've been alone for the last two years..." | "...New Year's then?"
"I gotta be such a bull." | "How come?" | "Because I only date absolute cows."
"I gotta be such a bull." | "How come?" | "Because I only date absolute cows."
"...and after my wife cheated on me with my best friend, I'm glad that I found someone as wonderful as you." | "So I'm just a band-aid for your little hear-aches."
"...and after my wife cheated on me with my best friend, I'm glad that I found someone as wonderful as you." | "So I'm just a band-aid for your little hear-aches."
"Why does Hendrix wanna kiss a guy in 'Purple Haze'?" | "That's a hell of a question considering we just had our first beer... And the song isn't even on."
"Why does Hendrix wanna kiss a guy in 'Purple Haze'?" | "That's a hell of a question considering we just had our first beer... And the song isn't even on."
"How come I don't get a fathers day card from our kids?" | "Because they are giving it to your friend Robert."
"How come I don't get a fathers day card from our kids?" | "Because they are giving it to your friend Robert."
SFX: "Aaaahhh! SMACK!" "Ghaahh! SMACK!" Etc. | "God. When did male tennis players started to grunt?" | SFX: "Hhh-Yess! SMACK!" "Mm-Harder!" SMACK!" – "That ain't tennis."
SFX: "Aaaahhh! SMACK!" "Ghaahh! SMACK!" Etc. | "God. When did male tennis players started to grunt?" | SFX: "Hhh-Yess! SMACK!" "Mm-Harder!" SMACK!" – "That ain't tennis."
"Remember how Carl got the operation to become Carla?" "Hm." | "Well, now he want's to change it back." "So? What's holding him back?" | " He doesn't have the balls to do it."
"Remember how Carl got the operation to become Carla?" "Hm." | "Well, now he want's to change it back." "So? What's holding him back?" | " He doesn't have the balls to do it."
A pulp comics by John Riley & Jonas Ledecky. Published monthly (2018 – 2020) by Playboy (Czech Edition).
Writer: John Riley | Artist: Jonas Ledecky | Colorists: Martin Pospisil (interiors), Martina Kutalková (cover)